Decided to back to my blog
I know I've left so long and I will try my best to update instantly
Yea, I promised :)
There are too many things happened in just a few months
Happy, Touch, Fun, Sad, Guilt, etc.
I don't know where should i blog about =P
Well, just throwback everything during my semester break then!
I am quite busy for this one month semester break
for my fashion & beauty business, freelance job, and vacation!
Ya, let's talk about my freelance job for this month.
(I know I've posted many about my business in previous posts)
Actually I had just work for 5 days and it was my very first experience
Guess what job I've done?
Yes! It was a Basketball Tournament held in Penang known as Penang Chief Minister Cup.
The very first time to work as registration & usherette for a basketball tournament and it was a great experience ever.
They were invited 5 countries to join in this competition such as Australia, India, Taiwan, Singapore, and Philipines.
Outfit during work =D
First day of working & this pic had been posted on Kwang Hwa
*ps: got scolded by dad after he saw this pic in the newspaper because of I was wearing crop top -.-
(Oppss, I am saying my dad is an old-fashion minded instead)
So exciting that I had a chance to work with our Miss Malaysia ^.^v
She was just TALL~
Some of my selfie with my working partners - Cammy, Rachael, Angelyn.
Okay, work post stop by here.
We start with my Singapore Trip now!
Haha, this is my first time travel alone with my boyfie
(yeah, we do have travel together but every times are with a gang of friends)
So, we also did it as our monthsary trip :P
USS for the first day and it's just me & him
Take a break to continue longer path;
Turkey leg as my lunch in USS!
Soooo yummy
Second day, of course is an outing with my shorty bestie who works in Sg now!
Another BFF to meet.
Super love this picture of me, kinda looks not me. lol
I'm craving with this! I walked 2 days just to find this customized magnum ice-cream.
Let's DIY & take a dessert break in the afternoon :D
Tourist post is a "MUST" during vacation. Haha
I really love this photo so much but too bad I closed my eyes when capturing!
However, I still like it!
Evening time, what are we gonna do?
Of course meeting up my papa!
I never meet him for years and was worrying that I cannot recognize him,
But yes, we still can recognized each other because he said I look exactly like my mum!
Planned to having a proper dinner, mana tau my papa's friend had invited us to go up to his yacht.
So, we'all decided to having dinner up there.
Just fun & feeling great!
Was wearing Uncle Petter's Captain Cap.
It was a windy night, miss it so much!
Okay fine, last photo before I end my post
I know I am pattern, forgive me please.
Thanks for reading.
Just want to share something fun, lifestyle, fashions and good things
All tops are from #22DiariesStyle
Goodnight & see u!
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