I'm a freelance part timer for colorful my study life and gain some experiences while working. This time is the most fun and it is a new experience for me ever! Cheerleader assistant..lol it's first time work with the cheerleader coaches for the cheerleading job, and it is really fun and great! They are very nice and cheerful.
The CA and the coaches
I never try before to be carry up so high by people..this is the first time in my life although I been dancer for last few years. It is amazing and awesome!
This time I work as CA with 9 pretty girls and we actually apply a job for runner😒
But it's not bad to become CA because we not really work so hard and tough job, but can say this really is a light job for us. Most of the time we're taking photo in the room, sleeping, gossip together, discuss about our mutual friends in facebook..loll..it's nice to meet u all! Will miss u guys😘 do remember, dun lost contact in whatsapp group ya😉
4 days event job just ended with full of friendship, love, and also reluctant. =)